Does Edging Increase Testosterone: Myths and Realities

does edging increase testosterone

Unconventional methods to enhance testosterone levels are often sought after by individuals looking to optimize their health. Alongside traditional options like weightlifting and a balanced diet, an unconventional practice gaining popularity is edging. However, it’s essential to separate the myths from the realities when it comes to edging and its impact on testosterone levels.

What Does Edging Mean?

Edging involves sexual stimulation almost to the point of orgasm, and then putting on the brakes. When you approach the “edge,” or point of orgasm, you stop, allowing you to get close to the edge just before reaching climax. Edging can be practiced during masturbation or sexual intercourse by slowing down movement just before climaxing. It is a variation of the stop-start technique, an old-fashioned method for preventing premature ejaculation.


The Origins of Edging in Sexual Studies

The concept of edging was first described in a 1956 issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, referred to as the “Semans technique.” It involves nearly reaching ejaculation, pausing, and then repeating the process several times before finally allowing ejaculation. However, scientific studies on the long-term effects and benefits of edging remain limited.

Is Edging Bad?

Currently, there’s no research to show that edging, the stop-start technique, or similar methods of delaying orgasm and improving sexual stamina are bad for your health. Edging does not cause semen to “build up.” Orgasm and ejaculation are complex processes involving multiple parts of the body, including the nervous, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems. Unused sperm is absorbed by the body or washed away in urine if orgasm and ejaculation don’t occur after edging during sex or masturbation.

While there are no specific studies indicating that edging is inherently harmful to health, some drawbacks are associated with the practice. One potential concern is delayed ejaculation or anorgasmia, where individuals struggle to achieve orgasm due to overdoing edging or experiencing fatigue. Moderation and self-awareness are crucial to avoiding such issues.

Does Edging Increase Sperm Count?

When practiced with abstinence, edging can potentially increase the volume of sperm ejaculated. Refraining from ejaculation for a few days allows for higher sperm reserves, resulting in more sperm released during the climax. However, regular ejaculations are also important for maintaining reproductive health, and a balanced approach is necessary.

Does Edging Increase Testosterone Levels?

Some studies have suggested a “7-day testosterone peak” after abstaining from ejaculation for seven days. However, after this peak, no significant changes in testosterone levels were observed. It’s crucial to note that testosterone levels are influenced by various factors, and edging alone may not have a substantial impact on overall hormone levels.


Other Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone

For individuals seeking to naturally increase testosterone levels, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is key. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, sufficient sleep, and stress management can all contribute to hormonal balance and overall well-being.


Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

For those dealing with hormonal imbalances, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can be a viable option. TRT involves personalized treatment plans based on blood analysis to optimize hormone levels and address specific health concerns.


What are the Benefits of Edging?

Edging during sex or masturbation offers several purported benefits, the biggest of which is being able to delay orgasm and have sex for longer. Other benefits of edging include increased orgasm control, improved stamina, better and more intense orgasms.

Improved Orgasm Control

Although there’s no reputable research on this topic, some proponents of edging believe that it can improve the psychological side of orgasm control. If you usually reach orgasm and ejaculate quite quickly, edging can sometimes provide a confidence boost (something science hasn’t actually proven yet).

Improved Sexual Stamina

If you have issues with premature ejaculation, techniques like edging (and the stop-start and squeeze methods) might allow you to have sex for a longer amount of time before you reach orgasm and ejaculate. Research suggests that the stop-start and squeeze techniques are often effective at increasing sexual stamina in the short term.

How to Practice Edging?

Edging may sound straightforward in theory: get close to orgasm, then intentionally slow down and refrain from finishing. However, in practice, it can require some finesse. Here are a few tips to help you handle this technique more effectively.


How to Edge During Masturbation?

If you wish to use edging during sex to prolong your experience, it may be helpful to practice solo first and identify your cutoff point. To perform edging during masturbation:

  1. Masturbate until you are close to reaching orgasm.
  2. Pause and wait until the feeling of imminent climax subsides.
  3. Gradually resume stroking, and if desired, repeat the process.

Pro Tip: While edging, you can also employ the stop-start or squeeze methods to further control your orgasm and prevent ejaculating too early.


How to Edge During Sex?

When engaging in edging during sex with a partner, the basic concept remains the same, with the added presence of another person. Here’s how to perform edging during sex:

  1. Enjoy intimacy with your partner.
  2. Just before reaching orgasm, slow down your movements or pull out.
  3. Wait for the risk of reaching orgasm to pass (you can distract yourself by thinking about non-arousing topics like baseball).
  4. Resume sexual activity and repeat the process as desired.

For a smoother experience, try having slow-paced sex the first time you practice edging together. This approach will help prevent the overwhelming urge to climax from affecting both you and your partner simultaneously. Effective communication with your partner about edging can also enhance the experience and lead to more satisfying results.


Conclusion: Can Edging Increase Testosterone?

While edging may have certain benefits for sexual experiences and sperm count, its direct impact on testosterone levels appears to be limited. It is essential to consider individual preferences and consult with healthcare professionals when seeking to address testosterone-related issues. Maintaining a holistic approach, including proper diet, exercise, and potential TRT, can lead to optimal hormonal health and overall well-being. Edging can be a useful technique for improving sexual stamina and pleasure, but like any practice, it should be approached with moderation and awareness of one’s body’s responses.

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